Latest News

  • [2016-10-13]
    【For Students】We have updated class materials. "The rule of law, economic development and the developmental state of nothest asia" See Education.
  • [2016-10-5]
    【For Students】 We have updated handouts, "The Role of Law for Development in Asian Countries". See Education
  • [2016-9-30]
    Our website has renewaled.

We, the Matsuo Research Office mainly study about "Law and Development", "Legal Assistance" and civil code.
Law and Development is the study to identifty "What law can do for development?" This study has mutual and close relationship with Legal Assistance, the study about corporation and the practise of legal reform.
And civil code is the most important and the basic law in the field of Legal Assistance.
But as you know, our societie are diversified. History, the process of the develoment is not identical. No societies and No countires are same.
We mainly focus on the study of civil code and other related laws to find out the best way of Legal development for our diversified societes.
As our practise, now we focus on the civil code and other related laws in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. We study about the interaction between the history, political and economic development and legal reform in the context of countries.
In near future, we will expand our study to Mekong countries, including Myanmar, and South Asian countries, like Bangladesh and Nepal.
Throughout the study and practise of legal reform, we would like to contribute to the "Law-Ubiquitous Society" in which Anyone can access to justice Anywhere and Anytime!